Hi, I’m Alyssa. I’ve been where you are and I’ve worked to find my life of spirituality, abundance and joy. Free from my limiting beliefs, past triggers, and mental blocks. I would love the opportunity to guide you on your own journey of discovery!



One day about 10 years ago I woke up and realized I needed to change my life. I was just going through the motions, disconnected from my true self. I was drinking too much, working too much…. avoiding too much. I realized something major needed to change and it needed to change quickly.


Let’s just say on that day I ‘woke up’. I woke up to the possibility of more. More connection, more abundance, more aliveness and more community.

I made a vow that I would do everything in my power to create the life I wanted. A life free of past triggers, mental blocks, addictions and anxiety. I am proud to say that I now lead a life filled with joy, abundance, community and confidence.

I hope to teach you from what I’ve learned.

I have been a business professional and consultant for 10+ years and transitioned into this work in 2018. I am a certified life coach and spiritual counselor and hold a bachelor’s degree in divinity. I am also a follower of Core Shamanism and a passionate psychedelic advocate.

My interests include coaching people to their highest potential, sacred medicines, ceremony, healing and community. I am an advocate for sustainability, conservation and holistic practices. When I am not celebrating the exploration of consciousness, or coaching individuals to be the best versions of themselves, I can be found outdoors. I am an avid rock climber and love exploring nature with my dog, Lucy.


Certifications & Education

Currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Divinity

Bachelor’s Degree in Divinity from UMS

Coaches Training Institute Certification Course - 300hr course

Spiritual Coaching Certification - 150hr course

Shadow Work Mastery Certification - 150hr course

Advanced Shadow Work Mastery Certification - 150hr course

SoundMind’s Foundations in Psychedelic Therapy for Clinicians

Akashic Record Reading Certification

Providing Trauma-Informed Care Certification

Johns Hopkins Psychological First Aid Certification